Tax usually sours my countenance. Getting a new accountant was at the top of our tax troubles, but it didn't stop there. This year we're getting back less than last year (loo-ooong story).Strangely enough though, the whole W-2, Jackson Hewitt, H & R Block, accountant thing is bringing a nostalgic smile to my face.
We had some friends in our lives, whom I believed loved us very dearly. Every year at tax time, they would give us a gift. It wouldn't be a family gift; it would be a gift for me and a gift for Kevin. It was such a remarkale show of love and appreciation to their Pastor, it always left me feeling so humbled.
These weren't wealthy people, neither were they poor. However, they could have spent their money on their own children. And let me say, their children didn't go without so they could buy us a gift. I'm merely saying they could have spent ALL their money on their children. They also bought us gifts at Christmas on the same fashion. It humbled us greatly, but it also pleasured our hearts to unspeakable ends to see people so kind, so willing to give, especially when it wasn't required.
Even though we haven't seen these friends in a very long time, I think of them every year at tax time. It's a strange thing, I know. I'm not looking for a gift. I'm just remember a blessing from long ago. I'm so glad I could experience other peoples kindness to me. Now I look for the opportunity to do the same.
Algarve Cup 2022
3 years ago