Ok...I might not be the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to politics, but I do know experience when I see it. I'm talking about John McCain. Although I think McCain won hands down, I still think there is more to the picture than an hour and a half of questions launched in a controlled atmosphere.
Let me preface the rest of the dialogue with a few clarifying statements:
1. McCain was not my pick. My guy didn't make it very far.
2. Palin may have energized the conservative base, but I personally don't like women in politics. She's a far sight better than what most have expected, and she's incredibly intelligent. But for this humble little blogger, Palin did not win me over.
3. For those who haven't guessed by now, I am a conservative. No apologies here. I am proud of my conservative views, even when they aren't popular. I still have to abide by my God given conscience, and that almost completely prohibits me from voting for a Democrat.
4. I have carefully watched the debates this year (cnn.com is a great place to catch up on these AND to watch live streaming), and I have tried to stay inform. I have to say that even though I don't agree with Democrats, I have come to the conclusion that many of them are patriotic. They just believe the government should play a much larger role in our personal lives than what I believe they should. Republicans used to be the party of smaller government, but that's becoming less and less true.
To sum up why I believe McCain will make a better leader, I offer two words: Damage Control. I don't like all of McCain's ideas, but I believe that with his leadership, government will shrink instead of grow. Government has become the source of supply for every one's wants and needs. I want to help the elderly and the sick, but somewhere down the line, personal responsibility has been left out of the equation. And somewhere up the road, it has got to be added back in!
I'm way out of my league here, talking about politics, but I am passionate about my rights and my country. I'm just a homeschooling mom who wants her children to see the beauty of the country they live in. I want the freedom to homeschool without government interference. What are they afraid of? That parents can successfully teach their children without the help and aid of the government?
What about my freedom to worship? I want my children to raise their children with the same freedom. But more and more, we hear of preachers being locked up for preaching on the streets. In this age of "tolerance", folks sure are intolerant of Christians. This greatly concerns me, because under the wrong leadership, these freedoms will quickly erode.
And what about our protection from terrorists? God help us. George Bush has left alot to be desired, but we haven't had another attack on our own turf. He has kept us safe. Liberal foreign policies can be a great threat to our safety.
I've been on my knees. My prayer is that America will receive mercy. God knows, our country needs it. It's not just about who did well at the debates. It's about having experience to lead. It's about shrinking the government instead of expanding it. It's about protecting the freedoms we still have. There's so much at stake. I hope and pray America will vote for the man most prepared to keep my liberties in tact. If not, we all have much to lose.
Algarve Cup 2022
3 years ago
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