I'm a little weary....it's December 5Th and my Christmas tree is still in my storage room. Technically, it's only about 35 feet away from where it will hopefully soon stand, but it might as well be on the other side of the earth right now.
Behind the window unit air conditioner, behind the crates of hardback Reader's Digests, underneath the storage totes of quilts and bedspreads lies the emblem of Christmas home decorations. On top of it is piled my outside lights, wreaths for the windows, boxes of village scenes, all waiting to adorn my humble abode. In that dark storage room, they have no life. But here in my living room, they radiate the ambiance of Christmas.
My recent surgery has almost zapped me of my Christmas spirit and will. I'm not going to be a bah-humbug about everything, but the preperations for the season are twice the challege they would normally be.
I yawn just thinking about it. Maybe that's because my sinus meds are fast at work ;>
I have made one step of progess. My love, Kevin, took me to Dollar General on his lunch break yesterday. I found a couple of sets of net lighting that I had been wanting to use on my bushes in front of my porch. Great. But when I got home, I realized, those crazy bushes need to be trimmed. Fortunately, I have two teenage boys who love to work outside. Even though it was raining, Jordan trimmed all the bushes. Hugs to my sweetheart!
So tonight, yes TONIGHT, we are dragging that tree out, throwing those wreaths on the windows, and getting this place looking like it's actually December!
Disclaimer: The term "We" should not be interpreted to include the author, Rita. "We" solely represents the elbow grease of Daniel, Jordan, and Savannah. The author is simply acting as director and decorator, NOT box mover or light hanger.
Algarve Cup 2022
3 years ago
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