I talked with the nurse today. Finally....
The ultrasound showed a "mildly enlarged thyroid" along with 4 solid nodules. The largest nodule is 1.5 cm. My next test will be a radioactive iodine uptake scan, which will determine how well my thyroid is functioning. It will also determine if any of the nodules are "hot" or "cold." Hot nodules, meaning they are taking in iodine (even excessive amounts), are less likely to be cancerous. Cold nodules are not able to take in iodine and are more likely to be cancerous. Of course, this test will not be as conclusive as a biopsy, but my guess is that will follow.
I don't have a date on the test yet, but I'm sure I will have it by the end of next week. I am also being referred to an endocrinologist. That's great, except the new patient wait is about 3 months. Since I have some obstruction to my esophagus, I should be able to get in earlier. Let's hope so!!
So....surgery for Friday. And hopefully I will feel well enough to go to our youth meeting. We also have a meeting next week with Bro. Ball, followed by the Science Fair on Saturday. So much is happening at one time...it's really overwhelming.
Depending on His sufficient Grace....I remain,
Algarve Cup 2022
3 years ago
The 1.5 cm nodule is subject for biopsy; especially if this nodule is cold and has internal vascularity in it. The heterogeneous echopattern if noted should suggest thyroiditis.
Although the hot nodules have lot lower risk of malignancy, most nodules larger then 1 cm are biopsied.
I too am thinking the 1.5 cm nodule will be biopsied. Thanks for all the imput. I will certainly update any results.
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