How long has it been now??
I can see from my stat counter that some of you wonderful readers have been checking in every day to see a new post, only to be sorely disappointed. I'm truly sorry. Shame on me...but really, I have been insanely busy.
My dear husband has been very sick. He has been out of work for a couple of days. He seems to have a nasty upper respiratory infection; those things take forever to get over. And antibiotics don't really help. Over the past couple of days, he's been inhaling alot of chicken noodle soup and resting as much as possible. Poor thing...he's worn out! He preaches with every fiber of his being, and doing so on top of this crud he's nursing is making it difficult to get well.
I'm feeling some better since my surgery. But...I went to my Uro on Friday, and it seems I have very few options for treating my IC. The surgery wasn't an overwhelming success, so we have now moved on to a new treatment, pretty close to being the last option. Since I can't take Elmiron orally, I am now having to do self cath injections. I won't go into detail, but if you want to ask questions, fire away.
On top of starting "new" treatments, I have been having a lot of pain in my right side. The Uro found the presence of protein in my last urinalysis, which probably means kidney stones. Lovely, I say. I had a CT scan today, so maybe I will know something by Thursday. This sounds terrible, but I hope it's a kidney stone. If not, protein in the urine could mean Lupus related nephritis. ****shudder****
The thyroid issue still isn't resolved, but at least I know it isn't cancer. Thank You, Lord! I will get a second opinion from an ENT and maybe even have my esophagus scoped again, just to make sure there is no other issue causing the problem. If I can possibly live with these symptoms just to keep my thyroid, I will.
Spring!! It's here and it's beautiful! I plan on planting this year since I completely missed out on it last year. Dreaded foot surgery....I've missed alot over these two feet of mine!
If we can ever have a dry spell for a few days, the boys are going to cut and bag the lawn, bag leaves, and clean the gutters. Some of the leaves have already been bagged, but I recently found out that the city will no longer pick up leaves in plastic bags. They aren't biodegradable. We now have to put them in paper bags. (This explains the reason I had a 'lone bag' for so long-please refer to post titled 'The Lone Bag.')
Oh yes! I have some new patterns for Savannah. I found a super easy pattern for a nice Sunday dress. I haven't settled on a fabric yet, but I think I might go for the black w/tiny white polka dots fabric at Hancock's. I'm trying to let my dear daughter make the choice herself, but her main interest is comfort. As long as it's not too frilly and lacey, she will be pleased.
I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN the "Seasons" series. I have four more chapters to post, but honestly, it is such an emotional thing to write about, it drains me. I will have "A Time to War" by Sunday.
TTFN...hopefully it won't be as long until my next post!
Algarve Cup 2022
3 years ago
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