I have been smitten with a touch of laziness.
It's so hard to jump back into something when you've been away from it for so long.
Let's see...I have had a great deal going on...I have a new member of the Whitman family. I got a parakeet for my birthday last week, something I had been wanting for a long time. Sydney is doing quite well, but Shiloh is just a tad bid jealous! As IF anything could ever take his place! I'd like to see Sydney crawling up in our bed at night or getting free run of the house 24/7. Fat chance.
But dogs don't know how to reason, and the poor little pooch looks so threatened.
Kevin also acquired some goldfish. Long story that by reason of boredom needs to be made really short. The three fish that remain are doing good. No names yet. They need not worry. IF they survive, we will never forget them-even if they never have names.
This weekend we have a choir workshop planned. This is great news, but I am very nervous. Bro. Doug Raynes and his daughter Natalie will be coming to help our choir in several areas. Natalie is what I consider a prodigy, so I am obviously very, very nervous. She's not the slightest bit uppity, it's just I know the enormous amount of skill and talent this young lady possesses. Me playing in front of Natalie is kinda like a beggar flaunting a 10 dollar bill in front of a millionaire. Know what I mean??? Anyway, it should prove to be a real blessing to the church and the choir. We are very excited to have the Raynes with us on Saturday.
The following Saturday, the 18th, we will have our monthly youth meeting. We will be having an old friend of ours in for the services, Bro. Brian Enlow. Time and space don't allow me to tell all the stories our families share, but there are many!! I'm so glad for what God has done for Bro. Enlow and his family!
And finally, my family and I should be going on vacation the first week of August. We are so excited, not to mention we greatly need the time away! The pressures of the ministry, Kevin's job, and my health issues....I am really looking forward to the time away. A week in CanaanLand/Lake Toxaway, I am soooo needing it!
I am almost finished with A Time of War Part 2. It will be posted shortly.
Thanks for faithfully stopping by readers!
Algarve Cup 2022
3 years ago
1 comment:
We are so excited! The 18th is just around the corner and I pray that we will have a van full. Please pray for traveling grace for us (especially if the Preacher is driving!!!I can say that cause I'm family!!!),that the Lord will open our hearts to the message, and that old friendships are renewed and new ones made. God bless!
p.s. cannot wait for the end of the story!
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