Monday, May 11, 2009

My Little Buddy Isn't Doing To Well...


My little Westie isn't doing too well. I have been up all night with him, unsure of what the problem may be. He is pacing about, appears to be in pain, and is chewing on all sorts of things. I am waiting for the vet to open at 8. I don't exactly have the money to take him, but he is about to destroy my house! He has ripped blankets and clothes and has chewed on the laptop and bar stool. It's insane! I really feel sorry for him....
What makes this double bad is the fact that I still have a kidney stone and a kidney/bladder infection. I didn't even get to go to church yesterday. Instead of enjoying Mother's Day with my family, I was at the urgent care center, where I received two shots and three prescriptions! I am so drained physically right now. And God bless Shiloh's little heart, but he has kept me from some much needed sleep.
Hopefully I will have some answers in just a few hours. He's so pitiful...He's been a faithful, loyal pet, and I want him to feel better really soon. Plus, I need some sleep!

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