Some pets are called, "the dog with a thousand faces." I am the "person with a thousand matter-0f-fact facts", one of them being that I suffer from insomnia. So, in case I have previously failed to mention that, don't let the time stamp on this post freak you out.
I have survived the Lateral Ligament Reconstruction with the Arthroscopy. In fact, the surgeon was pleasantly surprised with what he found. I had no cartilage or bone fragments floating around. However, I did have two ligaments on the right side of my ankle that had to be repaired. All in all, I will survive.
Now for the recovery part. I know, it seems like the easy part, but this ankle hurts. In case I didn't mention it, the surgeon attached my torn ligaments to my ankle with anchors, which means he had to drill into the ankle bone. Ouch. It's just a wee bit sensitive. Actually, it's "alot" sensitive. The Percocet is barely knocking the edge off the pain. I'm doing my best to keep my foot elevated, but to be honest, no postition is comfortable.
I have a 12 week recovery ahead of me and alot of time on my hands. It's not that I don't have anything to do. It's just that I can't do anything that requires my feet! As soon as I can get past the pain and grogginess, I hope to devote some time to my homeschool lesson plans. I know my children will greatly appreciate that!
I had a dear friend stop by today. I thought she was coming to see know, the poor, post-op Pastor's wife, but she had come to see my daughter. She had bought Savannah some yarn and a crochet needle and she wanted to dart in this house and show Savannah how to crochet in like 5 minutes. I said hold on! These kids have work to do! All the while, I'm trying to figure out if I can think clearly enough through the Percocet fog to learn how to crochet in 5 minutes myself! You see, I may have failed to mention it, but I have always wanted to learn.
Annette, my dear friend, said, "It won't take but a minute. I just want to show her how to start her chain. Then I will teach her the rest." Y'know, I kinda wanted to say, "Hey, I'd like to learn!" But I refrained. I sat there with my foot propped up trying to absorb what she was showing my daughter. Every now and then, Annette would turn to me and tell me how to do what she had just told Savannah. My chance came later in the day when she brought the boys home from Christmas play practice. The sweet gal even went to Wal-Mart at 10:30 p.m. to get the colors of yarn I wanted. She even returned with Reese Cups. What a Friend!
So, the Leftie is finally learning to crochet. Did I fail to mention that every time I asked someone to teach me to crochet they backed out once they found out I was left handed? They always said, "You're backwards. You won't be able to understand." Actually, I didn't have any problem translating what Annette did with her right hand into "lefthandedness." It came pretty natural. As soon as I can add to my chain, I will post a picture.
It's been a lovely late night chat, but even insomniacs get sleepy. Now I must carefully hobble back to my bed. In this home, no further injuries on my behalf are permitted!!
Algarve Cup 2022
3 years ago
Glad that your surgery went well! I will be praying for an speedy recovery!
Feel better. The pain will get better soon. Hang in there. I can teach you to crochet :)
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