I have found my way back.
It's been a long journey, but like a beaten, prodigal daughter, I have returned to what I know is right. It has taken the "recession", but I have come back to my penny pinching, coupon clipping ways.
Actually, I'm not sure I believe we are in a nation-wide recession. As long as the X Box 360 is being manufactured, I feel sure that we aren't. After all, if countless numbers of Playstation 3's and X Box's are being shoved under Christmas trees this holiday season, I feel confident that our economy will survive.
What? You don't believe me? Last time I drove past the factory outlets near my house, the parking lot was swelling with cars. Honey, they don't sell groceries at those places! The last time I tried to eat out at Cracker Barrell, the parking lot was so full, my family and I went elsewhere. Unless C.B. takes food stamps, all those cars represented paying customers. So, no. I don't think we are in a "Nation-wide" recession. But no doubt, we are all feeling the pinch.
When Kevin and I first got married, every month his precious Grandmother would send me an envelope full of coupons (and a little bit of money). Talk about spoiled!! I didn't even have to clip those things! Sweet Grandma Olivia did it for me. She did this on her own volition out of sheer desire to help me. So I took full advantage of her tedious labor. She always sent the best coupons. There was nothing like looking at the bottom of my receipt and seeing how much was decucted in coupon savings.
I was full blown. I had a pendaflex coupon holder with dividers and subcatergories. I was eager to use my money saving prowess, and I L-O-V-E-D stores that doubled their coupons.
Some of my greatest savings were from the coupons the hospital gives you after you give birth. You know, Enfamil, Baby wipes, diapers. Manufacturers are good to new mommies. Those were the best deals, and many times, they gave Buy One Get One Free Coupons.
But once my children were out of diapers and old enough to eat table food, my need for coupons seemed to shrink. And I guess that's when I sort of lost my way. Grandma Olivia still sent them, but I didn't use them. I put the pendaflex coupon organizer in storage, never to be found. I eventually told Olivia, "Don't bother with the coupons."
Now, 10 years later, I find myself wondering how I could have ever walked away from the "bargaining table", so to speak. Gas and groceries are huge expenses, and they have to be purchased at least weekly, sometimes more frequently than that. Don't get me wrong. I've always used coupons to Pizza Hut and Arby's. I never became a coupon reprobate! But I have forgotten the joy of saving money each trip to the grocery store.
I do have to add, I have a friend who is an avid couponista, Amber. I have a link to her blog. Well, after seeing all the stuff she had on her blog, I was inspired to go back to what I had done so long ago. Thank you, Amber, for being a beacon of light on this subject!
I started out by going to free online printable coupons. Not for me. Too much involved. And you can forget the freebies. Time is money for me, and I can't sit around all afternoon entering my personal information just so I can get a trial size product in the mail, which usually takes about 6-8 weeks.
No...I'm a coupon purist. Some merchants frown on downloaded coupons, although I have saved alot on my perscriptions by going to the manufacturer's site and printing the available coupons. (I received a $126 medication FREE because of a manufacturer's coupon! SCORE!) But by and large, I like the old fashion coupons. That's right, the one's you have to clip. I even started a newspaper subscription so I could get my hands on the coupon inserts. The sound of scissors clipping have been filling my home. And when I get back on my feet, I plan to use these babies!
I'm back to what I once knew, except now, I'm not so spoiled. I have to clip my own. Even though gas is going down (hopefully, it will stay down) I want to save that hard earned money Kevin brings home. Hey, I've gotta make my $11 per month savings quota...that will pay for the newspaper subsrciption.
I guess I will be shopping for another coupon pendaflex folder. It makes me feel a little old. I always envision granny's with coupon holders holding up the line at Walmart while they shuffle through their coupons. If coupons are a sign of aging, I've been maturing for a long, long time.
Algarve Cup 2022
3 years ago
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