Thursday, January 1, 2009

The 08 Update Pt. 2

Well, the first part of this update pretty much covered our Christmas preparations. But we also had a lot of traveling to do. We visited Kevin's family, my Mom, Dad, and other very close relatives. I also got to see my sisters, which only happens about twice a year.

I'll try to go in order. We will start with.....

Christmas at Kevin's Grandmother's House

Aunt Linda, preparing the salad

Savannah with Uncle Tommy

Kevin's sister Stephanie, along with Jordan wearing a very fashionable faucet cover!

Cousin Wendy and her husband John dressing Elmo in the fashionista faucet cover.

The show stealer, Reiss. Uncle Kevin gave in to her every whim!

Reiss "riding" in the front seat with her fav uncle!

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