Every year, I buy a new calender/planner. It is an absolute essential for me. I've been marking that little book up like crazy!! Here's a peek at what's coming up for me.
Jan. 5- Blood work for liver enzymes
Jan. 12-follow up with orthopaedic surgeon. I will transition into a brace and regular shoe. Yay! I'm also hoping for driving privileges.
Jan. 13-Appt. with gastro to follow up on my liver
Jan ?- Mammogram
Jan ?- Appt. to see my Rhuematologist. We've got to get back on some sort of treatment plan for the Lupus and Fibro. My liver disorder has prevented me from taking alot of my medications, but since the biopsy, I've been cleared.
Jan? Jordan needs yearly checkup with neurologist. He has to have an EEG every year. Although he hasn't had a seizure in over 16 months, his last EEG showed an incredible amount of seizure activity. He has Benign Rolandic Epilepsy. Almost without exception, children outgrow this type of epilepsy by the age of 15.
Jan. 15 Start physical therapy, which will last 4 weeks. I will have 3 sessions a week, and this will hopefully strengthen my ankle.
Feb. 23 Daniel has follow up appt. with his Rhuematologist. He has been having flairs, but fortunately he is managing very well. We had hoped he would outgrow the Juvenile Arthritis by now, but that hasn't happened....yet.
Jan-Feb- I've got to get back to the dentist. I missed my 6 month cleaning because of my ankle reconstruction.
On top of all of this, I have lesson planning to do, papers to grade, and financial info to get together for 08 tax returns.
Yes, I'm starting off this New Year quite busy. I'm hoping mid-February and March will be slow down months!
Algarve Cup 2022
3 years ago
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