OK. Until the past week or two, it's been pretty dry in my corner of the world. Google Lake Lanier or Lake Hartwell. Scary business.
I certainly don't want to complain about the much needed rain. As far as the drought is concerned, our torrential downfalls have been showers of blessings. It's just that....erm.....well, I'll tell you. The leaves in my yard need to be bagged, and no one in this home wants to rake!!
We make good use of our lawnmower with a bagger. That is, unless it's rainy and wet. About four weeks ago, I put the boys on the task. Within 15 minutes, it started raining. Since then, it hasn't stopped raining long enough for the ground and leaves to dry out. The boys are rejoicing, but I'm ready to see some progress! After all, they started a couple of weeks before Christmas. The goal was to have a manicured lawn before Christmas Day. So much for that.
Because I live in the city, if I bag my leaves the city will pick them up. The boys were only able to get one bag full of leaves done. So, there sits my lone bag. All by itself. I mean AAAALLLLLLL by itself. The bad part is the city crew hasn't even picked it up.
Now, that really bugs me. Are they waiting for more? Surely there isn't a bag minimum before they will pick up. I try to think of what the brush crew was thinking when they have driven by these past 4 Thursdays. Did they say, "Surely these folks are gonna bag up the rest of their leaves. We'll hold off until they are done?"
I'm scratching my head- it has sat there for 4 weeks. Even one of my friends asked me why the city hasn't picked up that one single bag. They picked up the neighbors leaves that were packed neatly in Home Depot yard bags, she pointed out. My bag isn't a lawn bag, technically. It's just a regular Hefty tall kitchen trash bag. Are they discriminating against my garbage bag?? They better not be! I have another neighbor that just rakes her leaves to the roadside, and they pick hers up with a big claw. Hhmmpphhh!
I have had to call the city and tell them I have brush for them to gather. But I'm a little embarrassed to call about one little 'ole bag. I mean, really. The bag only contains, well.....13 gallons of leaves. Miniscule by comparison, I know. But that one bag looks silly out there by the road.
I have been tempted to put it in my garbage bin, but I know that it doesn't belong there. Besides, the city might scowl over mixing household trash and brush. I just want the ones responsible for picking it up to come get it. I've done my part; the city will have to meet me half way on this one!!!
So, back to the rain. I'm ready for dry ground so that the lone bag can be joined by the larger 33 gallon lawn bags I purchased just for this task. However, the forecast for today is rain. My dismay, the boy's delight.
I guess I should just count my blessings. Just like washing your car is a invitation to rain, my desire to bag leaves has become a rain dance of sorts. As long as we are in drought mode, a soaked ground and wet leaves are a good thing.
Algarve Cup 2022
3 years ago
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