I've not posted much aside from my "To Every Thing a Season" series, but it's been very hectic. Now that I'm about half way through the story, I thought I'd post about everything else that's been going on in my life. Here's a quick look:
Ankle: Still in therapy (sometimes therapy hurts like the dickens!), had last appointment with Orthopedic surgeon-copasetic.
Bladder: Likely having surgery in March. Muy mal.
Fibromyalgia: bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.....
Liver: Holding my bated breath while waiting on results of recent blood work. This will tell the tale about coming off my much needed Elmiron therapy.
Allergies: What allergies? All these problems I've been having with coughing, sneezing, tightness in my throat are due to...well...not allergies. I had testing done yesterday and I wasn't allergic to one single thing, not even house dust, and it's a good thing. I'd be dead!! So, the hunt is still on to determine the source of the throat tightness and difficulty swallowing. I wonder if my gastroenterologist wants to admit he's wrong about no reflux?
Daniel's Arthritis: Neck stiff as cement, right hip very stiff, but knees are better thanks to mountain biking.
Yes, all I have done the past two weeks is go to doctor appointments. Five this week, 3 last week, three scheduled for next week, and four the week after that. IF Good Lord willing and the pocketbook holds up!!!
On a much happier note, on Valentine's day, my sweetie sent me a huge vase of tulips. I can't seem to get my pictures to upload, but they were beautiful. And we also went to a Valentine's Banquet in Easley SC at Open Door Baptist Church. We had a wonderful steak dinner, and afterwords, Kevin gave a devotion on the home. One of my favorite subjects, and I love to hear my husband preach about it! Plus, we always enjoy the great fellowship with the Bryson family!
Lastly, to all that have taken my quiz, thanks for doing so. I plan to change the questions soon. I'm amazed at the people who have scored so well, yet I don't know them by name. Come on folks, put your real names! I'm glad you're following my blog, and I'd love to know who you really are! After all, if you scored a 70%-90%, you know me pretty well! And don't be afraid to leave comments. Your view is always invited and welcome!
Please keep reading. There's more to come with "To Every Thing a Season." Stay warm and dry this weekend, especially in Georgia. We're having a wet weekend. If any of you readers are in a warmer hemisphere, think of me!
Algarve Cup 2022
3 years ago
Waiting with tissues for the rest of your "Seasons" Posts. It is great!
I found your blog through Sis. Amber's page. I am not sure if you remember me, but I came with Bro. Jason and Sis. Tasha and the Lake Robinson gang. Pastor Brian is my Brother in Law. I would like to compliment you and Pastor Whitman on your members. They made us feel as if we were at our home church! I really wish that we were closer to you guys so we could come to more of your youth meetings. God bless you and your family!
Jessica Enlow
BTW here is a link to The Enlow Family blog that Brian just started.
Thanks so much for the link. I'm following it now.
I remember you...we had a great meeting that night, didn't we? Thanks for following; there will be more to come! God Bless you!
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