It's been over a week since my last post. We've been out of commission. All of us, except for my dear hubby, had a wicked cold. Miserable, that's what we were. It was so draining. We just laid around, coughed, sneezed, ached, etc. Fortunately, no fevers. Unfortunately, some of our close friends have children that have just been diagnosed with the flu. YIKES! I hope that's not coming next.
We were able to spend last evening over at the Smith's house. They are a couple in our church, and we had such a great time of fellowship. We laughed until our sides hurt! The ladies played the piano, and the gents drank coffee and played XBOX. Then we all sat around in the keeping room and told stories, laughed, and just had an old fashioned good time by the fire. Thank you Darrell and Tina. The food was great, but the fellowship was better!
School is back on track, sort of. My oldest son Daniel seems to be having some problems with his arthritis and it always slows him down. Since he has started bicycling, he has incorporated some really good stretches, but I still have to "stretch" him to make sure he doesn't become stiff as cement. His neck is the worse and is already stiff as a board. It takes a lot of stretching, medication, and time to regain his mobility. We had hoped he would outgrow this, but as he gets older, his flares seem to get worse.
As for me, I should know something definite about my liver disease and the effects of my medications in another week or two. I'm afraid it won't be the news I'd like to hear, but I know my LORD has already spoken the word and given the comfort. If I have to come of the medications for my IC, I will stand in great need of His grace to deal with the pain of my condition, yet there is sufficient grace to help me cross that bridge when I come to it.
I sometimes wonder if others think, "Wow. She must be under the judgment of God with all those health problems." That's easy to think, I'm sure. It's probably even human nature. I suppose it was about 12 years ago I wondered the same thing about myself...have I done something wrong? Is the Lord punishing me for some wrong that I have failed to admit or refused to repent of. I spent a few months searching myself because I couldn't really believe that God would let someone so young have so many problems and it NOT be a case of judgment.
But I found out different. In my prayer closet, the God of Heaven showed me that His main interest in my health was to conform me to the image of His dear Son. His body was broken beyond mine...yet he fulfilled the Father's will.
Every new health problem that arises, I have to check myself again. And so should we all. I have seen others fall ill of some dreaded disease or illness, and wondered if their illness was a result of God's judgment. And then I know-I know without a doubt- it rains on the just and the unjust. Bad people are well. Good people are ill. It's just a natural part of life. With God, illness can bring a miracle. Or, it can bring much grace. For me, it has brought much grace.
I can't complain about the lack of a miracle when I have enjoyed so much grace, can I?? No. I can't. I won't.
Algarve Cup 2022
3 years ago
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